Sunday, 19 February 2012

Smashing IT

Hey hey hey! Yes I am here again, I am sure some people are thinking what has she got this time.. lol :). Well something came into my mind today when I was in church, ( don't judge me, not like I wasn't listening to the pastor) I saw some ladies in church and I got thinking wow because something just drew my attention to them. So I thought to myself let me even bring this on here and see what you guys also think of it.
I know you do not have an idea of what I am about to unveil but if you have been thinking dirty its time to bring your mind out of the gutter :p lol.. because I do not mean the kind of smashing some of you might be thinking. as I said earlier, I was in church and I saw some ladies with heavy make up on like their faces were colouring boards! When I say colouring board best believe that it is just an understatement. You guys should have seen how they just painted their faces. That got me thinking why do girls smash their make ups on like this??? What even beats me is that some girls look really pretty without having no make up on, even the bible recommends that we should do everything in moderation and I don't think making up is excluded.

Please do not get me wrong I am not saying don't wear make up or anything, all I am saying is do it in moderation. Don't put it on like you just poured it on your face, let it be light and moderate and you yourself would not believe how well your beauty will glow. I am not a big fan of make up (not like I do not use it sometimes), but when I want to use it I just put a little on and I think ladies should start doing that too trust me those guys do not like it when you look like a walking doll, they laugh at you because they think why is she so fake?

You know what surprises me most! Those girls that do not even know when to put heavy make up on (when I say heavy I don't mean you should now smash it on). Look at this yeah, your are going to Uni or just going out to see a friend and you look like a masquerade that if you step into the streets your make up is what everyone will see first. Some people will even think you are going to a club ( even though its day time lol)

Please guys do not criticise me on this, this is just my thought and I felt I should share it on here and also see what you guys think. I do not support you smashing it on like a masquerade and I also love it when ladies know when to have their make up light or heavy. What I find funny sometimes are church workers especially the choristers with smashed or heavy make up on and you are there in front singing, please do you think church members are singing along or they are just busy looking at the wow make up 'sister singer' has got on?? You are just an item of distraction to people!

What do you guys think? All comments are welcomed and please remember not to judge me -_- lol

Thursday, 16 February 2012

How to know Mr. Right

You know I just sit and think why it is difficult for us girls to find that ‘perfect guy’. I mean why we can’t find that guy of our dreams. Is it something we are doing or is it just that there is no ‘perfect guy’ out there?
When I had a good thought about it, I came to some conclusions one of which I think we girls let our emotions take charge of us and we all have the fear of being alone. No one girl wants to be alone, we all want that one guy we can call our own. I have a little story to make you understand what I am trying to say.

Two friends, they trust each other so very much, they never hide anything from each other and they know each other’s families. We will assume their names are Sayo and Tito. Sayo broke up with her boyfriend of 2years because it was not working out, she told her close friend Tito about it and Tito thought it was a good idea. With time, Sayo was feeling lonely and could not take it anymore but these times her ex was still hanging in there and begging her to come back but because she was done with him she did not want to accept him. The guy did nothing horrible Sayo broke up because it was a long distance relationship and the guy in question was very insecure and very controlling.

During these lonely times for Sayo, heavens smiled at her one day, the day her friend Tito used her picture as DP on BBM then this guy Sayo had once met wanted her pin. Tito gave him and boom Sayo and the guy got acquainted (We will call the guy Fola). They are always talking to each other, if they are not chatting they are on the phone to each other or on Skype! It was that bad, it became an everyday thing and Sayo got so fond of Fola that she could not help herself. Note: she let her emotions take charge of her!!!!! After about few weeks of talking and all, Fola decided to pay Sayo a visit oh before that, Fola told her how and what he feels for her he told her how much he likes her and how much he thought he has been fulfilled since he started talking to her. This was like a dream come true for Sayo and she also professed her feelings to him. It was one of the best days of her life. They told each other how great they feel about each other. So the visiting part came in, Fola decided to come and spend some time with that girl he likes so much in other to get to know her better and they both decided that he could sleep over.
It all worked out well as planned, he came slept over and you know all the hugs and kisses part came in including cuddling (you know all these things can’t be prevented from happening) they had a very good weekend together but they had not started going out yet though Fola already asked her out and Sayo was planning to say yes to him when next he comes which was the coming week because they planned on seeing again.
As you will have it, before this next time of meeting, Fola sent a very long rather depressing message to Sayo explaining how he has rushed in to things and all that and how he thinks they need to stop talking because he needs to get his life together and sort himself out because he foresees himself cheating on her if they actually start something off together. It was a very sad time for Sayo because that was the last thing she was expecting from him, he seemed so real and true but guess she was wrong but she decided to be strong again and move on with her life. When all these happened, Sayo told her friend Tito and Tito said she thinks what 

Fola has done was the right thing because it was better than later when it will be more painful.
All these times, Sayo’s ex was still hanging there and was still begging her to come back to him but Sayo remained adamant even after her beloved Fola broke her heart she still dint want to go back to her ex because she did not feel anything for him anymore and she thought the best thing for them is to go their separate ways
So what mistake has been made here? Was Sayo too quick too like Fola or Fola was a bad person. What do you guys think of the story? Who is the Mr. Right Sayo should go for? Should she go back to her ex or should she wait for Fola to finish sorting his life out?

What Girls need to know about themselves

It is widely believed that girls are vulnerable creatures, soft hearted and as such their minds should not be played or toyed with, but we all know this not possible because some guys are just out there to play and toy with the hearts of different girls. It is also believed that girls are the weaker version of the human creature.
I picked up my pen today to change that believe everyone has, yes I agree we girls are vulnerable ( yes I’m a girl) but we are not weak vessels, HELL NO we are not infact we are stronger than we think we only need to understand some things that will help bring out the strength in us. One of the things we need to know and understand is that we are the PRIZE.
Yes the prize, you are the golden prize that one man should be chasing, running and wanting to get. Don’t just be a waste and if you want to be hard to be forgotten then you must be hard to get in the first place. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying be stuck up and that but respect yourself as the prize which you are DON’T KISS HIS ASS. Don’t make him think he is the prize because he is not you are. Fact remains that when a guy sees you for the first time, he is attracted to your looks, he is attracted to what he can see, your shape, legs lips just anything he can see at that moment and that is what draws him to you + in his head he is thinking of how he will get into your pants (you can argue not all guys think this way but 97% of them do). You as the prize need to know what to do to make yourself worthy. If he talks to you, be friendly, don’t talk like a cheap slut, and be friendly but frank and firm at the same time. You have the power to decide whether the conversation of that day will lead on from there or not. If he asks for your number, don’t give yours if you are not sure of him collect his and tell him you will call (do not promise). When you get home have a think about it if you want a further conversation, send him a text so he can have your number. Do not call him and do not give too much detail in your text. If he cannot remember you name in the text he is probably not the serious one. After sending the text, he should be the one to call you if he does not please forget him. If you gave him your number, he is very likely to call you because he has a mission, you are the one who needs to make sure he sweats before he gets you. When he calls be nice to him and talk to him as a friend NOTE: DO NOT LET YOUR EMOTIONS TAKE CHARGE OF YOU! NEVER!!!!!  Set some principles like he should not call you after a certain time, he should not call you every day or every time and he should understand when you are busy and needs to be left alone. If he is meant for you all these would not scare him away because he knows he wants to get the prize (you). If he just wants to get into your pants these rules might just send him away, well if it does then let him go who wants a player anyway you will find the right one soon.
Ok that settles that, what if you are in a relationship already and you notice that you do the calling all the time, he rarely checks up on you, he does not even remember when he promises to do something for you until you remind him. Please ladies don’t be stupid the hand writing is on the wall, it is bold enough for you to see don’t be an ass kisser let the idiot go. If you have called him to order and discussed it with him so many times and still can’t see changes then I think you should move on. Some guys even say they don’t think they are obliged to talk to their girlfriends every day, not even a text to check up on her like seriously? How are you meant to know she is fine or you just assume she is? She might need you emotionally at a point but when you don’t even check up on her how will you know if she is fine or not.
Girls, the big mistake we make is pretending we did not see the hand writing, we keep making up excuses for him like he will get better, maybe he is just very busy for now and all that. Don’t be stupid nothing is going to get better infact it will be worse than it is and then you will be the weaker vessel because you can’t take the frustration anymore. When things like these happens it means you need to move on and get someone better who is worthy of you. You may be thinking I have been with him for 2years or even more I can’t just let go, does it mean I have wasted my life and time. I understand that feeling but will you because of that be in an unhappy relationship? You should free yourself, discover yourself and be happy with yourself so you can give the next guy a chance he might just be the right one.
Another thing is you need to know if he sees you in his future or not, if he doesn’t why should you be in his present? If he cannot publicly show you off to the world please he is not the right guy for you. If he only introduces you by your first name to families and friends then he has nothing for you. He is only playing you even if he introduces you as his ‘girl’ it’s still not enough he needs to address you as his ‘girlfriend’ then yeah it looks like he has plans for you. If he cannot do this then just move on never think its ok for him to introduce you by your first name, don’t make excuses when the hand writing is there. If your guy loves you then he is ready to show you off to the world that he loves and he is proud of you
Ok, he invited you out on a date and it went well (it’s the first date), then he wants a kiss??? Oh really, just because he has spent on you then he wants something in return? No, do not kiss a guy on your first date because the first date is meant for you to get to know each other. May be after a couple of dates you can give him that but not the first second or even third dates. That is by the way the one I don’t seem to get is going home with him after the first date. Girls what do you portray of yourself? You should never sleep over at his on first, second or third dates. It is not about something happening (we all know what I mean), it’s about giving yourself the respect and acting like the ‘golden prize’. He will respect you more so please take note.
Note: having sex with him is entirely up to you but as a Christian I will advise you to leave sex till later possibly your wedding night but because I am not here to preach to you about when you should do the ‘do’ I won’t go deep into that. Every woman to her decision but I want to urge you not to have sex with him or even sleep over at his for the first 5 to 6months you start dating him ( if you will sleep over ensure you do not have sex yet). Don’t let him get in there easily at least not yet until you are sure of him to some extent. Oh? You are scared that he will go away? Please let him go if you have to use sex to make him stay then he aint worth you. Yes guys love sex but he can do without it for just 5 to 6months if he can’t Then he is not meant for you. Just let him go and no he can’t get it outside till you are ready he will have to wait till you are. Always remember this piece ‘SEX WON’T TRAP HIM DOWN, SLEEPING IN HIS PLACE WON’T MAKE YOU IS FAVOURITE, GETTING PREGNANT FOR HIM WON’T MAKE HIM LOVE YOU AND IT WON’T GIVE YOU A PASS PLEASE BE WISE’.
I hope I have been able to make ladies/girls understand how important and how special you are. You are the ‘PRIZE’ so never ever compromise that. Let him sweat before he gets you. Remember ‘IF YOU WANT TO BE HARD TO FORGET THE YOU MUST BE HARD TO GET AT FIRST’